REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST Community Mobilization Officer (Procurement No: C3-IC-15)
Community Mobilization Officer
(Procurement No: C3-IC-15)
The Government of Lao PDR received an IDA loan from the World Bank (WB) to implement a project entitled “Reducing Rural Poverty and Malnutrition Project (RRPM) (P162565). The project aims to support the design and implementation of a nutrition–sensitive social assistance program to improve nutrition behaviors, and enhance the convergence of nutrition–focused interventions.
The RRPM project will implement a nutrition-sensitive social protection program to address issues of poverty and malnutrition and also develop and implement mechanism to ensure multi-sectoral coordination, planning, monitoring and evaluation of the nutrition convergence approach: the Reducing Rural Poverty and Malnutrition Project.
The Community Mobilization Officer is to assist to coordinate the community mobilization part of RRPM Project by facilitate the community outreach programme through promoting the efficient and effective sensitization and mobilize the community with project team members based in districts and provinces occasionally. The Community Mobilization Officers are will be based in Bountai, Mai, Khua and Samphan District, Phongsaly Province, Huameuang, Xamtai and Kuan District, Huaphanh Province and in Nonghead and Kham District, Xiengkhouang Province and in Namor and La District, Udomsay Province.
The selection of this position will be primarily based on the following criteria:
- At least a diploma degree in development studies, gender and development, public health, social works or other related field;
- Experience with community mobilization, provision of trainings on topic related to the project and providing technical assistance to local stakeholders;
- At least one year of professional experience working on gender and community development issues;
- A sound understanding of gender and gender-based violence in the Lao context, as well as a good understanding of the stakeholder landscape at local level;
- Knowledge and experience in using computerized accounting software and Microsoft products;
- Capability to work successfully in a multi-disciplinary and cross-cultural environment with a large, diverse team;
- Local or international recognized professional qualification will be an advantage;
- Willingness and capacity to perform fieldwork, and in-country travel when required;
- Fluent Lao as well as good spoken and written English is essential. Knowledge of local languages such as Hmong, Khmu, Phounoy, Akha would be asset.
The successful consultants will be selected in accordance with the competitive method of individual consultant set out in of the Procurement Regulations, dated July 2016, revised November 2017 and August 2018.
In order to apply for the positions, interested applicants should be provide information indicating that she/he is qualified to perform the services (description of experienced similar assignments on Expression of Interest) and detailed CV to Ms. Bouakham THONGCHANH, Procurement Officer. Email: and Cc: Tel: 030 5071816. Address: Department of Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Ban Sibounheuang, Saysettha District, inside the Prime Minister complex, Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R. Consultants may obtain copies of the detailed Terms of Reference (in English) for assignment from the address above during office hours from 08:00 to 16:00 hours, from Monday to Friday (Lao PDR time) by postal mail or e-mail by 15 Nov 2022. Only Short–listed candidates will be contacted.